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Fellini Would Have Been a Vlogger

It seems appropriate that the first non-English reference to my Web site (that I've seen) would involve vlogging and come from Italy. Ipse Blog summarizes the debate (no direct links; scroll down), with reference to Glenn Reynolds, Jeff Jarvis, David Galbraith, and me, saying:

Mentre da noi si discetta ancora sulla "novità" dei blog, negli Stati Uniti la discussione, alquanto animata, riguarda già i weblog 3G: i video blog o vlog o blog di terza generazione che dir si voglia.

Google's (Beta) translator (which compares, in quality, with other engines that I've tried) translates that as:

While from we discetta still on the 'innovation' of the blog, in the United States the argument, somewhat animated, regards the weblog already 3G: the video blog or vlog or blog of third generation that to say it wants.

The entry even gives short biographies of the American bloggers mentioned. Here's the Google translation of mine:

Justin Katz is an adviser: with its Timshel Arts , it is taken care of plans in the field of the writing, music and graphic the design. Katz, as we have seen, is a po' skeptical on the possible multimediali developments of the blog; on Dust in the Light it proposes however an interesting example of vlog.

That's me, as Twain might have written: "po' skeptical"!

(via Splinder Bloggando (I think that's the site), which lists me among the "some of more you notice blogger Americans.")

In a comment to this post over at Jeff Jarvis's Buzzmachine, Carla Passino kindly translates the Ipse summary of vlogs. Jeff's right: it sounds more flattering in Italian.

Posted by Justin Katz @ 04:10 PM EST